Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Gathering Storm

Something stirs near Winterhaven....

After arriving in the town, we quickly sought respite at the local tavern. It took little effort to attain information on the recent kobold activity; we even spoke with the local lord and offered our services in ridding them of this pestilence, for a price. Lord Padraig even fronted us part of the fee for doing so, they must be desperate. While gathering clues from other patrons, Fargus and I confronted a local hunter, an elven woman named Ninarin who seemed to know more than she was letting on. During our questioning, the cleric noticed a small but conspicuous tattoo on her arm, a symbol of the demon god Orcus. Flustered by our advances and questions, she fled the tavern and disappeared, even as our Gnome rogue Gweener pursued her into the streets.

After a good night's rest, we visited the local temple and spoke with one of the abbey sisters to find out if there were any word of a dark cult in the area. She seemed genuinely disturbed by our suspicions, but held no real information so we departed Winterhaven, in search of our quarry, thinking perhaps they will hold a link to this new, darker path.

On the advice of a local farmer in the tavern the night before, we struck out for a waterfall to the southeast of Winterhaven, where the kobold activity seemed to emanate from. It did not take long to find ourselves some opposition: another small band of the reptilian wretches, although more heavily armed and slightly more competent.

The fight was heated. Gweener struck from the shadows, nimbly weilding his blade and striking with deadly accurate throwing daggers. Luthor, the Goliath barbarian, viciously attacked with his greatsword, brutally smashing everything in his path. Fargus called to his god Moradin for divine guidance and smote several kobolds with brilliant light. I struck several blows with my blade and unleashed my draconic breath upon an unsuspecting group of the enemy. One of the kobolds attempted to flee, but a last concerted effort of my longsword and another deadly dagger from Gweener brought him down. Before he breathed his last, he vowed vengeance from one called Irontooth. Looting one of the corpses turned up a small talisman carved in the likeness of Orcus. An ill omen perhaps, and confirmation that there may indeed be a connection between the kobold activity and the mysterious elf huntress.

Now we continue on the road toward the waterfall, with the knowledge that perhaps our foes await us. So much for the element of surprise...

Region: Nentir Vale
XP Gained: 143 XP Total: 262
GP Gained: 1 gp 4 sp GP Total: 14 gp 12 sp 50 cp

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On the Road to Winterhaven

We tasted our first victory together! Almost in sight of Winterhaven, we were set upon by a small band of kobolds. We were not taken by surprise, however, they were not especially stealthy. Both the barbarian and I destroyed our initial foes, and once the initial feint was dealt with, the remainder of the kobold forces showed themselves. Despite only traveling together for a short time, our band proved too formidable a force for these brigands. The rogue and I teamed together on several of the kobolds to good effect, while the barbarian and the cleric dispensed with the other half at our backs. It was a good fight, and our wounds were minor, nothing some rest in Winterhaven will not cure...

Region: Nentir Vale
XP Start: 0 XP Gained: 119 XP Total: 119
GP Start: 13 gp GP Gained: 8 sp 50 cp GP Total: 13 gp 8 sp 50cp

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Fresh Start

In my search for some clue to the scroll which I discovered, I have joined forces with a small but capable group of fellow adventurers. We are on the road to a small village called Winterhaven. My allies are a mixed bunch: a dwarven cleric of Moradin, a towering barbarian, and a diminutive rogue who appears Gnomish but fancies himself a human. I hope I don't have to hold his hand when he discovers the truth...

Region: Nentir Vale
XP: 0 XP Gained: 0 XP Total: 0
GP: 13 gp GP Gained: 0 GP Total: 13 gp